• AR10 - How do you build a battery electric motor?

  • Student test on electric motors
  • Teacher notes and answers for this test
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Parent and Teacher Notes

This experiment allows your child to build a simple electric motor using a battery, neodymium magnets, and copper wire. They can see how electricity flows through the motor, and the magnetic field around it. The experiment also explains how a motor can convert electric energy to make things move.


Scientific concepts covered:

Electric motor: A machine that can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (movement). For example, the motor in an electric fan can convert electricity to rotate the fan.

Battery: A device that stores certain chemicals that can be converted into electricity.

Neodymium magnets: A common type of fairly strong magnet made of neodymium, iron, and boron.

Copper wire: A type of wire good for conducting electricity, used in many circuits and electrical equipment.

Electric current: A flow of electricity through a circuit. Electrons move through the circuit and produce electricity.

Magnetic field: A region around the magnet that attracts or repels object.

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AR10 - How do you build a battery electric motor?

  • Brand: Kilbaha Education
  • Product Code: How do you build a battery electric motor?
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $10.00

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