- Augmented Reality Science Experiments and tests
- All experiments linked to the Australian, Victorian and NSW Curricula
- Experiments done using a smartphone or tablet
- Student test for each experiment with multiple-choice and short-answer questions
- Detailed notes, answers and marking schemes for teachers
- Supplied in WORD for easy editing and PDF for easy printing
- School site licence for print and electronic use of all tests.
- Use these Augmented Reality Experiments to explore and answer
1. How do you make gas heavy?
2. How do you build a lemon battery?
3. How does convection work?
4. How does friction work?
5. How do you balance a book?
6. How do you grow a crystal?
7. How does solar power work?
8. How much iron is in your cereal?
9. How do you build a siphon?
10. How do you build a battery electric motor?
11. How do you change the colour of a flower?
12. How does electrical conductivity work?
13. How does an airplane fly?
14. How can you make a can implode?
15. How can you make eggs bounce?
16. How can you turn water upside down?
17. How can you light a gummy bear?
18. How can you use the power of wind?
19. How do volcanoes form?
20. How do undersea mountains form?
AR10 - How do you build a battery electric motor?
Student test on electric motorsTeacher notes and a..
AR11 - How do you change the colour of a flower?
Student test on flower coloursTeacher notes and an..
AR12 - How does electrical conductivity work?
Student test on electrical conductivityTeacher not..
AR16 - How can you turn water upside down?
Student test on surface tensionTeacher notes and a..
AR18 - How can you use the power of wind?
Student test on wind powerTeacher notes and answer..