Quality Educational Content
Empower your students with a wealth of resources
Why use Kilbaha resources? Feedback 5/8/24 from one Physics teacher:
Kilbaha came through in a crunch. When another company had provided content that was unusable, Kilbaha was on hand to provide what we needed instantly. The quality was excellent and easily adaptable to our needs and most importantly, provided within the same business day as our requisition! This experience means that Kilbaha is now on the top of the list for resources.
Why use Kilbaha resources? Feedback from one English teacher:
I’m sitting in Tute Group absolutely salivating over this 2024 VCE English Kilbaha Trial exam. For our texts, Framework and the Section C, it is far and away the BEST I have seen. Both Oedipus and TMP topics will really, or would really, challenge and extend our top end, and allow our middle multiple access points.
Detailed answers to the 2024 VCAA VCE Chemistry Sample Exam for the new study design.
2024 Kilbaha VCE Trial Examinations
All orders received to Sunday 15 September have been sent to schools
For urgent orders use WhatsApp +61 413 425 374 for supply within 1 hour.
You can also send an email with a school order number for immediate delivery.
If you are a non-school buyer, send an email to kilbaha@gmail.com telling us what you want.
To buy from the Kilbaha website use our PayID 47065111373
(or quote a school order number)
How we serve the school community.
Download the Kilbaha Catalogues here
- Kilbaha Education employs highly qualified, practising teachers from Australia and New Zealand.
- These teachers write up–to–date, curriculum based content for use by schools and students.
- Kilbaha Education helps schools by providing quality educational content so that students get higher grades.
- Kilbaha Education provides content that you can edit, print and distribute to all students for use on any device.
- Kilbaha Education resources are used by thousands of schools and students.
- Kilbaha Education provides detailed answers with all resources.
- Kilbaha Education is not a subscription service. Buy once and use forever!
What our customers say
Hello Bill
Thank you for the Science tests I received earlier this week.
I have submitted orders for English, History, Maths and y10 Geography today.
Looking forward to using these excellent resources.